donderdag 18 juni 2009

For sale

I have these Ansen style swinging pedals up for sale. Would look cool in your sixties style gasser or period Hot Rod. Contact me for more info:

For sale

I have this old sixties shifter up for sale. It's for an automatic transmission/slush box but I have no idea which one. Contact me for more info:

woensdag 17 juni 2009

Triumph T120TT

1966 Triumph T120TT. The baddest of the bad...

The Other Project

Besides the Coupe I'm also working on a 1970 Triumph TR6R. It was bonestock when I bought it but I'm changing it into a desert sled. To bad that I have to fit a head- and taillight to make her roadlegal.

The Ride

My 1933 Ford 5-Window Coupe. When I bought it was a streedrod in the making. It came with a 289 Ford V8 motor backed by a C4 trans, disk brakes up front and radial tires. I had it repainted and changed the wheels for 16" steel ones with Firestones. Right now I'm working on a 303 Rocket Olds to replace the 289.